
The log of a girl and her crazy crafts.

“To the people who look at stars and wish. To the stars who listen- and the dreams that are answered…”

— Sarah J Maas



The stage went dark and the eyes of all gravitated like moths to flame. Or rather…

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Homeschool Essays

Economics Term Paper

Does a national government need to issue its own money in order to secure honest money? Government is not above the law. Money manifested before…

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Economics – L175

My Career Plan to Avoid Being Replaced by a Computer. The innovation of technology generates growth in the economy. Convenience is the result of advancing…

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Economics – L170

Is it logical for someone to affirm faith in the free market and also protectionism? At a surface level perspective, it’s plausible to affirm faith…

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Economics – L165

If Americans ‘buy Asian,’ what can Asian exporters do with the dollars? **’buy Asian’ is in reference to buying goods from Asian producers I’ll use…

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Economics – L160

Is free trade across a county border economically different from free trade across a national border? Free trade has no boundaries. A line drawn across…

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Economics – L155

Do import quotas benefit most voters economically? It is a common belief that tariffs are established to protect consumers from being exploited by foreign producers.…

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Economics – L150

Why do voters accept the riches of movie stars, but resent the riches of businessmen? People consume media (TV, YouTube, TikTok, etc.) pretty much their…

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Economics – L145

If there is no ‘price level,’ how could anyone prove that monetary inflation raises prices? Price levels are not in reference to government regulated mandates…

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American Literature – L25

How did Cotton and Winthrop view the emigrating people’s connection with the Old Testament? In 1630, the New World held many uncertainties. Distinct climates, vicious…

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Economics – L115

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in…

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Economics – 80

My Retrospective Retirement Speech: What I Accomplished, and How I Did It. Dr. Gary North – my Economics professor (also of various other courses) -…

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Economics – L70

Do Labor Unions Cause Price Inflation? The Labor Union is a middleman. The goal this organization sets out to create fair treatment in employment environment.…

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